"Casualization has brought a lot to men's fashion," says Grupo Cortefiel's corporate director.
Ignacio Sierra, Javier de Rivera and Daniel Rabaneda participated in the round table 'Is fashion a women's issue' organized by ISEM Fashion Business School.
PHOTO: Courtesy
"Casualization has brought a lot to men's fashion. The fact that the suit is not the only option means that we need more alternatives". This was stated by Ignacio Sierra, corporate director of Grupo Cortefiel, during the round table 'Is fashion a women's issue', organized by ISEM Fashion Business School.
The other participants in the meeting, moderated by José Luis Díez [ISEM 09], author of GQ magazine's Esmoquin Room blog, were Javier de Rivera, CEO of Gocco; and Daniel Rabaneda, designer.
"The act of shopping has been moving to after-work hours and the weekend, thus becoming more linked to entertainment," he said. Ignacio Sierra. He added that "more and more, men and women go shopping together, so customs that used to belong to one or the other are intermingled".
In terms of fashion consumption habits, she finds that men are more loyal and repetitive: "Men care a lot about the quality of the garment and that it fits well. He is more loyal, but buys less often, between two and three times a year. Women, on the other hand, like to 'peck'. In addition, they have no problem taking risks. They enjoy having a look one day and changing it the next.
Children's fashion, design and opportunities
For his part, Javier de Rivera pointed out that "more than 90% of Gocco's product purchases are made by women". "In addition, we have found that if a mother has sons and daughters, the first thing she does is buy for her daughter," he said. And she added that "from the age of 8, girls start to send in front of their moms, while with boys this happens much later".
Daniel Rabaneda explained that he started making menswear to differentiate himself: "When I started there were very few designers working in this genre, so I considered it a good opportunity. The fact that in Spain there was no men's fashion week until now has also meant that it has less weight than in other countries".
To close the session, they emphasized the importance of the sector: "Fashion is an industry that has absolutely everything", pointed out Ignacio Sierra. Ignacio Sierra. Javier de Rivera added: "Many things in this sector can be extrapolated to others. It is incredible what it has contributed to the field of logistics or customer and experience management.