

Nested Applications


September 18-20, 2024
September 18-20, 2024

Museo del Traje and Museo del Prado (Madrid)

Secretary's Office:

Nested Applications

Nested Applications


An International Congress organized by the University of Navarra, the Museo del Traje and the Asociación de Amigos del Museo del Traje, with the collaboration of the Museo del Prado, Casa Velázquez and the Sociedad Española de Estudios del Siglo XVIII.


Scientific direction and coordination

Amalia Descalzo, Saga Esedín Rojo and Sandra Antúnez López.


This Congress aims to be an opportunity for academics, teachers and students from Spain and abroad to meet to expose, discuss and examine how fashion was in Spain during the century of the Enlightenment, as well as the role it played in society, art, economy and industry of this era.

Some thirty leading specialists from prestigious European and North American museums, universities and research centers will participate with papers on their respective subjects of study. However, the congress is also open to other researchers whose proposals are framed within the theme of this meeting.

We therefore encourage the submission of contributions that address different aspects of 18th century Spanish fashion, such as fabrics, costumes, hairstyles, accessories, the clothing industry, tailoring treatises, foreign influences on Spanish fashion and the canons of beauty. Proposals that use a critical approach and consider the numerous intersections between the history of fashion and the society, art and economy of the Spain of the Enlightenment will be particularly valued.


Scientific Committee

Nested Applications


  1. Javier Arnaldo Alcubilla (Museo del Prado) 

  2. Ana Balda Arana (University of Navarra). 

  3. Lourdes Cerrillo (University of Valladolid). 

  4. Aileen Ribeiro (University of London) 

  5. José Luis Díez-Garde (President of the Association of Friends of the Museo del Traje). 

  6. Rebecca Haidt (Ohio State University).

  7. Helena López del Hierro (Museo del Traje).

  8. Carlos Naya Villaverde (University of Navarra.

  9. Mercedes Pasalodos Salgado (Museum of the National Library of Spain).

  10. Bárbara Rosillo (International University of Valencia - VIU).

  11. Teresa Sábada Garraza (ISEM-University of Navarra).

  12. Gabriel Sánchez Espinosa (Queen's University Belfast).

  13. Igor Uria (Balenciaga Museum).

  14. Elvira Villena (Queen's University Belfast)

  15. Mariam Vizcaino (Villanueva University).



Nested Applications


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