Introducing the "Glossary of sustainability for fashion and food".
The glossary provides the first part of the results of the European project "Fashion & Food synergy for sustainability'', which involves several academic partners, including ISEM Fashion Business School (University of Navarra). Professor Silvia Pérez Bou participated in the round table that framed the virtual presentation.

14 | 10 | 2022
The "Glossary of sustainability for fashion and food", a catalog of words related to the synergies between sustainability, fashion and food, was presented this morning in Milan. This product offers the first results of the European project of the same name, involving several European universities, such as the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), Jagiellonian University (Krakow) and ISEM (University of Navarra) and other organizations such as the Austrian economic development agency SFG Neues Denken Neues Fördern, the Spanish Acción Laboral, the Italian Altromercato and the Greek Envolve Entrepreneurship. It is a three-year consortium for higher education cooperation within the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 program.
Silvia Pérez Bou, academic director of the "Right Fashion" program, has led the team of ISEM professors who have participated in this glossary, preparing 16 of the 62 entries, as well as collaborating in the final review of the entire glossary. Teresa Sádaba, Carmen Azpurgua, Patricia SanMiguel, Marta Torregrosa and M. Ángeles Burguera have been the other teachers of this business school who have participated in it.
"The glossary is a starting point," explained Carla Lunghi, one of the Italian participants, "we can all make sustainable choices in our daily lives, especially in these two sectors, food and fashion. For Professor Pérez-Bou, "the glossary entries will contribute to adopting a language that is understandable to the general public", and will become a source of information, since "together with the entries, there are 115 case studies and up to 643 academic references".
The glossary entries are grouped into six major blocks - production, value chain, distribution, communication, general concepts and policies - which are intended to facilitate the interpretation of terms and issues of growing importance to the fashion and food industries, affecting environmental conservation, care of resources, respect for workers, etc. Access to the glossary, which is completely open, can be a useful tool for the fields of education and research.
Although the presentation took place physically in Milan, some of the researchers connected online to participate in a round table discussion, moderated by Italian journalist and sustainability expert Ilaria Amato.
Once the "Glossary of sustainability for fashion and food" has been presented, the European project will continue to develop other training materials aimed at university students and professionals. The next milestone will take place at the end of October in Nijmegen (The Netherlands), at the Radboud University, which will be attended by ISEM professors Pérez Bou and Azpurgua.