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ISEM Fashion Business School considers it essential to guarantee the quality of the degree and the services it offers. As a reflection of this commitment, it has established an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS). The IQAS of ISEM Fashion Business School includes a reduced set of procedures of the AUDIT program of the ANECA.

This document systematically gathers the activities developed by ISEM Fashion Business School in order to enhance the quality and continuous improvement of the official degree program and the services it offers.

With the incorporation of review and continuous improvement strategies, ISEM Fashion Business School aims to develop and control its actions, review and redefine them according to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.

ISEM Fashion Business School has a Quality Assurance System that coordinates the tasks of planning and monitoring of the IQAS. The Quality Assurance System also acts as a vehicle for communication of the policy and quality objectives of ISEM Fashion Business School, ensuring compliance and dissemination among the university community.


Aplicaciones anidadas


Quality Assurance System

  • Quality Coordinator: Ms. María Ángeles Burguera

  • Teaching Planning and Improvement Service: Ms. Cecilia Gonzalo Pascual

  • Teacher's representative: Ms. Silvia Pérez Bou

  • Master's student representative: Ms. Rocío Amezcua

  • PAS Representative: Ms. Cristina Lorenzo Encabo / Ms. Begoña Carnero

  • Employer and alumni representative: Ms. Pilar Esteban

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Official documentation of qualifications