

Faculty members

Verschachtelte Anwendungen

Verschachtelte Anwendungen

Verschachtelte Anwendungen


Teresa Sádaba

Teresa Sádaba

D. in Journalism from the University of Navarra, with a degree in Political Science. She received the Garcilaso Award, the End of Career Award in Communication and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award.


Silvia Pérez Bou

Silvia Pérez Bou

Circular Economy
She is an architect, holds a Master's degree in Transport, Territory and Urban Planning and an International PhD in Civil Engineering and Urban Planning.

Verschachtelte Anwendungen


Mª Luisa Gayarralde

Mª Luisa Gayarralde

PhD in Finance, independent consultant in company valuations and advisor in the acquisition of company shares. Formerly Director of Analysis at MG Valores, the Metallgesellschaft Group's brokerage firm in Madrid.


Patricia SanMiguel

Patricia San Miguel

Fashion consumer
He created the observatory of analysis of the digital impact of fashion brands Digital Fashion Brands. He has developed projects for companies such as Mayoral, Amazon Fashion, PuroEgo, Mustang MTNG or Stylelovely.

Verschachtelte Anwendungen

Verschachtelte Anwendungen


Mª Ángeles Burguera

M. Angeles Burguera

Data analysis and management
PhD in Communication. She developed her career in the financial newspaper Expansión and later in other media such as Tribuna, Gaceta de los Negocios and the Aceprensa agency.


Rocío Elizaga Puig

Fashion sub-sectors
Degree in Law and Business Administration, experience in investment banking. Master in Fashion Retail Management at London College of Fashion. Worked at Business of Fashion and is currently doing her PhD at ISEM. 

Verschachtelte Anwendungen


María Martín-Montalvo

María Martín-Montalvo

Operations and purchasing
She was Purchasing Manager at Scalpers Woman, worked at Pepe Jeans London Group as Retail Product Manager for Europe. She was at Zara in the Arteixo head office as a buyer in the Girls Department.


Luis Lara

Luis Lara

Business Models
He holds a degree in Business Administration and Law. He was International Director of Inditex between 2000 and 2006. Current Managing Partner of Retalent

Verschachtelte Anwendungen

Verschachtelte Anwendungen


Santiago Martinez

Santiago Martinez

Business ethics
Ceo at Providentia


Pedro Mir

Pedro Mir

Retail environment
Specialist in Consumer Behavior and Brand Management. Co-founder of Top Line Marketing.

Verschachtelte Anwendungen


Ricardo Gómez Barredo

Ricardo Gómez Barredo

He worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and at the Spanish Aluminum Industry as director of the tax area. He joined BBVA in 1994.